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The 28 Kinds of Certification of Wire & Cable In The World, How Much Do You Know?

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The 28 Kinds of Certification of Wire & Cable In The World, How Much Do You Know?

Wires & Cables Certification

-Do you know what safety certification your product needs to pass in other countries? 

-What do these certification marks mean?

-Let's take a look at the current global mainstream 28 internationally known certification marks and their meaning.


1. CE:CE is a safety certification mark, regarded as the manufacturer's passport to open and enter the European market. CE stands for CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE. All products with the "CE" mark can be sold in each member country of the EU without meeting the requirements of each member country, thus realizing the free circulation of goods within the scope of the EU member countries.


2. RoHS: RoHS is the English abbreviation of the Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment.  RoHS lists a total of six hazardous substances, including: lead Pb, cadmium Cd, mercury Hg, hexavalent chromium Cr6+, polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDE, polybrominated biphenyls PBB.  The European Union implemented RoHS on July 1, 2006.  Electrical and electronic products that use or contain heavy metals, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), polybrominated biphenyl PBB and other flame retardants are not allowed to enter the EU market.  RoHS for all the production process and raw materials that may contain the above six kinds of harmful substances in electrical and electronics products, mainly including: white home appliance, such as refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, water heaters, etc., black appliances, such as audio and video products, DVD, CD, TV receiver, IT products, digital products, communication products, etc.;  Electric tools, electric toys, medical electrical equipment.


3. UL: UL is short for UnderwriterLaboratories Inc. The UL SAFETY TESTING INSTITUTE IS THE MOST AUTHORITATIVE ORGANIZATION IN THE United States AND THE LARGEST PRIVATE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD THAT CONDUCTS SAFETY TESTING AND CERTIFICATION. It is an independent, non-profit, professional organization that experiments for public safety. It uses scientific testing methods to study and determine whether various materials, devices, products, equipment, buildings, etc. are harmful to life and property and the degree of harm; Establish, compile and issue relevant standards and information that can help reduce and prevent loss of life and property, and conduct fact-finding operations. In short, it is mainly engaged in product safety certification and safety certification business, its ultimate purpose is to get a fairly safe level of goods for the market, for the personal health and property safety to ensure contributions. As an effective means to eliminate technical barriers to international trade, UL also plays an active role in promoting the development of international trade.


4. TUVTUV logo is a safety certification mark specially made for components products by TuV, which is widely accepted in Germany and Europe. At the same time, enterprises can apply for CB certificate when applying for TuV logo, and obtain certificates of other countries through conversion. Furthermore, after the products are certified, TuV will recommend these products to the rectifier factory that comes to inquire about the qualified component supplier. In the process of the whole machine certification, where the TuV logo components can be exempted from inspection.


5. VDEVDE is an institute of the Association of German Electrical Engineers (Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker, VDE), founded in 1893. It is one of the most experienced certification bodies in Europe and enjoys a high reputation in the world. It completes a total of 18,000 certification projects a year for nearly 2,200 German companies and 2,700 clients in other countries. So far, the world has nearly 50 countries of 200 thousand kinds of electrical products obtained the VDE mark.


6. CB: In June 1991, China Electrotechnical Products Certification Committee was accepted by the Management Committee (Mc) of iEcEE as the national certification body for the recognition and issuance of CB certificates.  Nine subordinate station accepted as CB laboratory (certification body lab), all the related electrical products, as long as the enterprise has obtained the CB certificate and test report issued by the commission of the IECEE a ccB's 30 member countries will be recognized under the system, basically was directly to the importer to test again, so save cost and time to get the certification certificate of the country, It is very beneficial to export products.


7. CCC: In accordance with China's WTO commitments and the principle of national treatment, the state uses a unified symbol for compulsory product certification. The name of the new national Compulsory Certification mark is "China Compulsory Certification", the English name of which is "China Compulsory Certification", and the English abbreviation is "CCC". After THE IMPLEMENTATION OF China COMPULSORY certification mark, it will gradually replace the original implementation of the "Great Wall" mark and "CCIB" mark.


8. DIN: Deutsches Institut Fur Normung. DIN is the German standardization authority and participates in international and regional non-governmental standardization bodies as a national standardization body. DIN joined the International Organization for Standardization in 1951. Germany is represented at the International Electrotechnical Commission by the German Electrotechnical Commission (DKE), which is jointly formed by DIN and the German Institute of Electrical Engineers (VDE). DIN is also the European Committee for Standardization, European Electrical Standards.


9. ISO: The International Organization forStandardization (ISO) is the world's largest non-governmental standardization Organization, which is leading the International standardization. ISO sets international standards. The main activities of ISO are the development of international standards, the coordination of standardization work worldwide, the organization of member states and technical committees to exchange information, and cooperation with other international organizations to jointly study standardization issues.


10. CSA: Short for Canadian Standards Association. Founded in 1919, CSA is Canada's first non-profit organization dedicated to the development of industrial Standards. Electronics, electrical appliances and other products sold in the North American market are required to obtain safety certification. At present, CSA is the largest safety certification body in Canada and one of the most famous safety certification bodies in the world. It can be machinery, building materials, electrical appliances, computer equipment, office equipment, environmental protection, medical fire safety, sports and entertainment and other aspects of all types of products to provide safety certification. CSA has provided certification services to thousands of manufacturers around the world, and hundreds of millions of CSA-branded products are sold in North America each year. ISO sets international standards. The main activities of ISO are the development of international standards, the coordination of standardization work worldwide, the organization of member states and technical committees to exchange information, and cooperation with other international organizations to jointly study standardization issues.


11. BSIThe British Standards Institution (BSI) was the first national standardization Institution in the world. It was not controlled by the government but it was strongly supported by the government. BSI develops and revises UK standards and facilitates their implementation.


12.  FCC:Established in the Communications Act of 1934, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government that is directly responsible to Congress. The FCC coordinates domestic and international communications by controlling radio, television, telecommunications, satellites and cables. Covering more than 50 states, Columbia, and the United States, the FCC's Officeof Engineering and Technology is responsible for technical support to the commission and equipment approval to ensure the safety of radio and wire communications products related to life and property. FCC approval is required for many radio applications, communications products and digital products to enter the U.S. market. The FCC COMMISSION INVESTIGATES AND STUDIES ALL STAGES OF PRODUCT SAFETY TO FIND THE BEST WAY TO SOLVE PROBLEMS, AND THE FCC ALSO INCLUDES radio devices, aircraft inspections, and so on. Federal COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) - REGULATES the IMPORT and USE OF RADIO-FREQUENCY DEVICES, INCLUDING COMPUTERS, FAX MACHINES, ELECTRONIC DEVICES, radio RECEIVING AND TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT, RADIO-CONTROLLED TOYS, TELEPHONES, PERSONAL COMPUTERS, AND OTHER PRODUCTS THAT MAY HARM human SAFETY. If these products are to be exported to the United States, they must be tested and approved by government-authorized laboratories in accordance with FCC technical standards. Importers and customs agents are required to declare each radio frequency device to be FCC compliant, known as an FCC license.


13. EMC: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic and electrical products is a very important quality index. It is not only related to the reliability and safety of the product itself, but also may affect the normal work of other equipment and systems, and is related to the protection of electromagnetic environment. The GOVERNMENT of the European Community stipulated that from January 1, 1996, all electrical and electronic products must pass EMC certification and bear the CE mark before they can be sold in the European market. This has caused a wide impact in the world, governments have taken measures to implement mandatory management of RMC performance of electrical and electronic products. Internationally more influential, such as the European Union 89/336/EEC.


14. PSE: is the certification standard issued by JET for electronic and electrical products in compliance with Japanese safety regulations. According to Japan's DENTORL (Electrical Installations and Materials Control Act) law,498 products must pass safety certification to enter the Japanese market.


15. GS: GS mark is a safety certification mark issued by TUV, VDE and other institutions authorized by the German Ministry of Labor. The GS mark is a safety mark accepted by the majority of customers in Europe. In general, GS certified products sell at a higher price and are more popular.


16. C/A-Tick: The C/A-tick certification is issued by the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) for communication devices. The C-TICK certification period is 1-2 weeks. Products perform ACAQ technical standard tests, register with ACA to use A/ C-tick, complete the Declaration of Conformity Form and keep it together with the product Conformity record. Label with A/ C-tick Label is affixed to communication products or equipment. The A-tick applies only to communication products. Most electronic products apply for C-TICK. However, if electronic products apply for A-tick, you do not need to apply for C-TICK. Since November 2001, the Australian/New Zealand EMI has applied for a merger; If the product is to be sold in these two countries, the following documents must be in place for the ACA(Australian Communications Authority) or New Zealand (Ministry) prior to marketing

Spot checks by the authorities at any time. The EMC system of Australia classifies products into three levels. Before selling level 2 and level 3 products, suppliers must register with the ACA and apply for the C-TICK label.


17. SAA: SAA certification as the standard body of Australia for the Standards Association of Australian certification. Electrical products entering the Australian market must meet SAA certification. There are two main marks of SAA, one is formal recognition, the other is standard mark. Formal certification is only sample responsible, while standard marks are subject to factory review by each. The certification scope of SAA is mainly divided into quality management system; Environmental management system; Occupational health and safety management; Information security management; The cycle for common products to apply for SAA certification in Australia is 3-4 weeks. If the product quality is not up to standard, the date may be extended. If the product shipped is not certified, the product will be detained or confiscated or fined.


18. BSMI: Taiwan BSMI Certification: BSMI is the abbreviation of "Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection" of Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs. According TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF Taiwan'S Ministry of ECONOMIC AFFAIRS, FROM July 1, 2005, PRODUCTS ENTERING Taiwan will be SUBJECT TO BOTH ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY and safety regulations supervision. Taiwan BSMI certification is mandatory, it has requirements for EMC and SAFETY, however, BSMI currently has no factory inspection, but must follow the regulations of the Bureau of Standards.


19. IMQIMQ stands for Italian Institute of Quality Marks. It was established in 1951 as an independent, not-for-profit body responsible for the inspection and certification of electrical and gas appliances and their materials. IMQ controls about 170 types of equipment, more than 3,000 new products are tested each year, and more than 16,000 products have been certified. In Italy, groups and organizations supporting IMQ are the National Council for Research (CNR), the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Post, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, and the Ministry of Defense. Among the IMQ standing members are not only power bureaus in major cities, but also relevant committees, bureaus, and associations interested in product certification. The status and seniority of IMQ members guarantee the independence and impartiality of the testing work.


20. SNISNI is the abbreviation of Standard National Indonesia, meaning Indonesian National Standard, referred to as SNI, is the only Standard applicable in Indonesia, formulated by the Indonesian Technical Committee and defined by the Indonesian National Bureau of Standards.  SNI in September 7, 2007, until 2010, the Indonesian Ministry of Industry has issued 53 mandatory industrial standards (Standard National Indonesia/SNI), related to automobile and motorcycle parts, home appliances, building materials, cables and other fields.  The products that have not passed the National Standard certification (Standard National Indonesia/SNI) will be banned from sale, and the products that have entered the market will be forcibly removed from the shelves. All regulated products exported to Indonesia must have SNI marking, otherwise they cannot enter the Indonesian market.


21. SASOSaudi Arabia Safety Certification mark - SASO certification

The International Compliance Certification Program (ICCP) is a comprehensive program that was first implemented by the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) since 1995, which includes compliance assessment, pre-shipment inspection and certification for specified products, so as to ensure that imported goods can fully meet the Saudi product standards before shipment. Since 17 March 2003, Kuwait's Industrial Authority (PAI) has started implementing the ICCP, and most household appliances, audio products and lighting products are covered by the ICCP. In addition, the UAE has started implementing the ICCP since 31 May 2003.


22. BPSPhilippine Standards Certification Scheme (PS System)

The system applies to products made in the Philippines. Product after evaluation of the Philippine national standards (PNS) or international common meet foreign standards such as IEC standards), after the Philippines product standards (BPS) will give producers to PS license, with the certificate, manufacturer can be in the product or product packaging labeled with PS product safety or PS product quality marks, in order to enter the market.


23. TISI: TISI stands for Thailand Industrial Standards Institute Ministry Of Industry, an Industrial Standards association established by the Ministry Of Industry and Information Technology Of Thailand in 1969 [1]. TISI's mandate is to implement national standardization to promote, support and develop acceptable domestic product quality; As well as improving the competitiveness of Thai industry in world markets, protecting the environment, protecting consumers in terms of fairness, safety of life and property, and monitoring conformity assessment bodies. All products exported to Thailand should meet TIS certification standards.


24. BIS: BIS certification is The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), ISI certification issuing body, which is specifically responsible for product certification.

The Bureau of Standards of India (BIS) is specifically responsible for product certification under The BIS Act 1986 and is The only product certification body in India. The BIS has five regional bureaus and 19 bureaus. It was formally established in 1987 to replace the Indian Standards Institute established in 1946.

It has been 50 years since the Indian Standards Institute, the predecessor of BIS, started product certification in 1955. BIS has issued more than 30,000 certificates, covering almost every industrial sector such as agricultural products, textiles and electronics.


25. SABSThe South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) was established under the National Standards Act of 1945 and is part of the South African Department of Trade and Industry. SABS is a neutral third party certification body in South Africa, responsible for system certification and product certification in South Africa. In addition to its role in setting standards, SABS also administers normative standards on behalf of the State and grants the right to use the logo for products that meet these standards. SABS Mark is widely used in various fields and has become a symbol of product quality assurance.


26. INMETROINMETRO is Brazil's national Accreditation Body, which sets national standards in Brazil. Brazilian product standards are mostly based on IEC and ISO standards, and manufacturers who need to export to Brazil should refer to these two sets of standards when designing their products. Products that meet Brazilian standards and other technical requirements must bear the mandatory INMETRO logo and the logo of an approved third party certification body before entering the Brazilian market. INMETRO is Brazil's national Accreditation Body, which sets national standards in Brazil. Brazilian product standards are mostly based on IEC and ISO standards, and manufacturers who need to export to Brazil should refer to these two sets of standards when designing their products. Products that meet Brazilian standards and other technical requirements must bear the mandatory INMETRO logo and the logo of an approved third party certification body before entering the Brazilian market.


27. EACThe Customs Union EAC certification is a market access system first implemented by Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan based on the Common Guidelines of Technical Specifications. Later, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan also joined the Customs Union and implemented the Customs Union EAC certification. EAC certification of cables and cables must conform to the standards тртс004/2011.


28. KCKC(KoreaCertification) certification, formerly known as EK certification, is Korea's electrical and electronic product safety certification system. South Korea's technical standards (katz) on the basis of the electrical appliances safety administration law (ELECTRICAPPLIANCESSAFETYCONTROLACT) on January 1, 2009 began to implement the compulsory safety certification system.

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Specification: M1.6-M24 2#-5/8′′ or Customizable
Certificate: ISO, CE, BV, API,ROHS,etc.
Sample: Sample Are Free
Delivery Time: 15-25 Days
Origin: Ningbo, China



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